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Orange PPC412-LTD

Orange PPC412-LTD

Baffle guitare 4x12 de la marque Orange appartenant à la série 40th Anniversary Series

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Acheter neuf Orange PPC412-LTD

  • SonoVente En stock / Livré en 8 jours 1 099,00 €

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Rapport qualité/prix : Excellent


Orange PPC412-LTDPublié le 14/07/11 à 22:37
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
I play a Framus cobra 100 watt tube amp and occasionally use a peavey 5150 or Hughes & Kettner triamp. I mostly play heavier music but also dabble in ambient looping and classic rock tunes.

This is an absolute beast of a cab. The standard orange 4x12 has Celestion vintage 30 speakers while this cab has Celestion g12h30 speakers, a center beam, and some different tolex pipping. I have previously used a Carvin legacy 4x12 with vinatage 30 speakers, Mesa Boogie oversized recto 4x13 with v30's, Hughes & Ketnner triamp cab with green backs, Carvin v412 with carvin british speakers, and a madison 4x12 with some sort of eminence speakers. The Orange killed them all by a mile.

I would describe the g12h30 speakers as being the middle ground between Celestion green backs and vintage 30s. They are lower wattage which might turn some people away but I have not had any issues with volume and my band is loud. They have that a bit of that great green back speaker breakup but handle bass like a v30 without getting harsh. Vintage 30 speakers can fizz out quite easily in a live setting but these g12h30s just sound great at all volumes.

The legacy was my previous favorite but I always struggled to maintain a balance between cutting through a mix and keeping the treble under control. Sometimes I would run it together with the triamp cab and it sounded great but dragging two large cabs is not something I like to do all the time. The orange cab gives me a similar sound in half the space.

The construction of this cab is just amazing and you can tell how it's built when trying to lift it. This thing is easily the heaviest cabinet I have ever had the (dis)pleasure of lifting. They do not come with wheels either but I love the feeling of the stage shacking when palm muting through this cab. The only thing that is a bit cheap are the corner protectors. Mine are already coming off but I plan on installing some of the larger metal kind you see on road cases.

Fiche technique

  • Fabricant : Orange
  • Modèle : PPC412-LTD
  • Série : 40th Anniversary Series
  • Catégorie : Baffles guitare 4x12
  • Fiche créée le : 27/12/2008

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Distribué par hightechdistri


Autres catégories dans Baffles guitare

Autres dénominations : ppc412 ltd, ppc412ltd, ppc 412 ltd